Write a C++ code to count the frequency of each kmer in given DNA sequence. Steps: 1. Get the kmer size from the user. Should
Hint: 1. Use the following code to read the fasta file. #define NOMINMAX #include #include #inc
} 2. In above code, to access specific location in the sequence, say location 10, simply deal with it as array of char such a
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#include "frequency.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 4)
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " \n";
cerr << "(*optional) \n\n";
cerr << "(*) NOTE: Last argument is optional. If you want to list the kmers\n";
cerr << "that are not in the top n frequent k-mers, but have the same frequency\n";
cerr << "of the last kmers in the top list select this option.\n";
cerr << "\t(Y)es : Include last k-mers\n\t(N)o : Do not include last k-mers\n";
cerr << "Please note that even if this option is selected there might be no\n";
cerr << "more k-mers to be listed.\n";
return 0;
// Basic input controls
if (atoi(argv[2]) < 1)
cerr << "Invalid k-mer size.\n";
return 0;
if (atoi(argv[3]) < 1)
cerr << "Invalid number of top k-mers.\n";
return 0;
Frequency freq(argv[1], atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), (argv[4] == NULL) ? 'N' : argv[4][0>
return 1;
Frequency class implementation
#include "frequency.h"
#include "evaltime.h"
Frequency::Frequency(const char* fname, const size_t &ksize, const int &knum,
const char &includeLast):
filename(fname), kmer_size(ksize), top_kmer_num(knum), cntLastFrq(0)
includeLastKmer = (toupper(includeLast) == 'Y') ? true : false;
vecPair Frequency::sortKmers()
start = GetTimeMs64();
frqMultiMap kmer_swapped;
// Swaps the keys and values of kmer map, sorting the elements according to their values. O(nlogn)
for (auto it = kmerFrq.begin(); it != kmerFrq.end(); ++it)
kmer_swapped.insert(pair(it -> second, it -> first));
// Clear the containers that are not used anymore.
catch (const std::bad_alloc& e)
cerr << "Swapping key-value pairs. Allocation failed: " << e.what() << "\n";
return vecPair();
auto rev_end = kmer_swapped.rbegin();
// Takes the most frequent n elements from the end of the map which is sorted in ascending order.
advance(rev_end, top_kmer_num);
catch (const std::bad_alloc& e)
cerr << "Getting most frequent elements. Allocation failed: " << e.what() << "\n";
return vecPair();
vecPair kmerVector;
// Copies the top n kmers from the end of the multimap to a vector in descending order.
for (auto rev = kmer_swapped.rbegin(); rev != rev_end; ++rev)
kmerVector.push_back(make_pair(rev->second, rev->first));
catch (const std::bad_alloc& e)
cerr << "Copying to vector. Allocation failed: " << e.what() << "\n";
return vecPair();
// If user selected to view the kmers that are not on the top list but have
// enough frequency to be in the top list.
if (includeLastKmer)
for (auto rev = rev_end; rev != kmer_swapped.rend(); ++rev, ++cntLastFrq)
// Add these kmers to the top frequency list
if (rev->first == kmerVector.back().second)
kmerVector.push_back(make_pair(rev->second, rev->first));
// Clear the containers that are not used anymore.
cout << "kmer sort time: " << GetTimeMs64() - start << " ms. \n";
// Write the result to the screen and file.
cout << "Top " << top_kmer_num << " frequent k-mers of size " << kmer_size << " and their frequencies:\n\n";
outFile << "\nTop " << top_kmer_num << " frequent k-mers of size " << kmer_size << " and their frequencies:\n\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < kmerVector.size(); ++i)
cout.fill(' ');
cout << (i+1) << ". " << kmerVector[i].first << " : " << kmerVector[i].second << "\n";
// Print to file
outFile.fill(' ');
outFile << (i+1) << ". " << kmerVector[i].first << " : " << kmerVector[i].second << "\n";
if (includeLastKmer)
cout << "\n* " << cntLastFrq << " more kmer(s) are also listed with the same frequencies of the last kmer(s)\n";
outFile << "\n* " << cntLastFrq << " more kmer(s) are also listed with the same frequencies of the last kmer(s)\n";
return kmerVector;
vecPair Frequency::sortKmersEncoded()
start = GetTimeMs64();
encodedMultiMap kmer_swapped;
// Swaps the keys and values of kmer map, sorting the elements according to their values. O(nlogn)
for (auto it = mapFrq.begin(); it != mapFrq.end(); ++it)
kmer_swapped.insert(pair(it -> second, it -> first));
// Clear the containers that are not used anymore.
catch (const std::bad_alloc& e)
cerr << "Swapping key-value pairs. Allocation failed: " << e.what() << "\n";
return vecPair();
auto rev_end = kmer_swapped.rbegin();
// Takes the most frequent n elements from the end of the map which is sorted in ascending order.
advance(rev_end, top_kmer_num);
catch (const std::bad_alloc& e)
cerr << "Getting most frequent elements. Allocation failed: " << e.what() << "\n";
return vecPair();
vecPair kmerVector;
// Copies the top n kmers from the end of the multimap to a vector in descending order.
for (auto rev = kmer_swapped.rbegin(); rev != rev_end; ++rev)
// The decoded kmers are encoded while copying them.
kmerVector.push_back(make_pair(decoder(rev->second), rev->first));
catch (const std::bad_alloc& e)
cerr << "Copying to vector. Allocation failed: " << e.what() << "\n";
return vecPair();
// If user selected to view the kmers that are not on the top list but have
// enough frequency to be in the top list.
if (includeLastKmer)
for (auto rev = rev_end; rev != kmer_swapped.rend(); ++rev, ++cntLastFrq)
// Decode these kmers and add them to the top frequency list
if (rev->first == kmerVector.back().second)
kmerVector.push_back(make_pair(decoder(rev->second), rev->first));
// Clear the containers that are not used anymore.
cout << "kmer sort time: " << GetTimeMs64() - start << " ms. \n";
// Write the result to the screen and file.
cout << "Top " << top_kmer_num << " frequent k-mers of size " << kmer_size << " and their frequencies:\n\n";
outFile << "\nTop " << top_kmer_num << " frequent k-mers of size " << kmer_size << " and their frequencies:\n\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < kmerVector.size(); ++i)
cout.fill(' ');
cout << (i+1) << ". " << kmerVector[i].first << " : " << kmerVector[i].second << "\n";
// Print to file
outFile.fill(' ');
outFile << (i+1) << ". " << kmerVector[i].first << " : " << kmerVector[i].second << "\n";
if (includeLastKmer)
cout << "\n* " << cntLastFrq << " more kmer(s) are also listed with the same frequencies of the last kmer(s)\n";
outFile << "\n* " << cntLastFrq << " more kmer(s) are also listed with the same frequencies of the last kmer(s)\n";
return kmerVector;
int Frequency::findKmersEncoded(ifstream &in)
start = GetTimeMs64();
string line;
// Get the second line which is the first dna sequence
getline(in, line);
getline(in, line);
// In this case, line counter starts from the second line
uintmax_t cnt_lines = 2;
// Checks if the kmer size is smaller than the sequence length.
if (kmer_size > line.length())
cerr << "Error! k-mer size is larger than the sequence length. Exiting ...\n";
// Calculate the kmer number in a single dna sequence
int kmer_num = line.length() - kmer_size + 1;
// Finds the kmers of the first dna sequence and count their frequencies O(kmer_num + kmer_size)
for (int i = 0; i < kmer_num; ++i)
++mapFrq[encoder(line.substr(i, kmer_size))];
while (getline(in, line))
// Get the second line (dna sequence) of each nucleotide
if (++cnt_lines % 4 == 2)
// Find the kmers of the remaining dna sequences and count their frequencies
for (int i = 0; i < kmer_num; ++i)
++mapFrq[encoder(line.substr(i, kmer_size))];
cout << "kmer find time: " << GetTimeMs64() - start << " ms. \n";
return 1;
int Frequency::findKmers(ifstream &in)
start = GetTimeMs64();
string line;
// Get the second line which is the first dna sequence
getline(in, line);
getline(in, line);
// In this case, line counter starts from the second line
uintmax_t cnt_lines = 2;
// Checks if the kmer size is smaller than the sequence length.
if (kmer_size > line.length())
cerr << "Error! k-mer size is larger than the sequence length. Exiting ...\n";
cout << "k-mer size is larger than " << KMER_LIMIT << ". Encoding will not be used.\n";
// Calculate the kmer number in a single dna sequence
int kmer_num = line.length() - kmer_size + 1;
// Finds the kmers of the first dna sequence and count their frequencies O(kmer_num + kmer_size)
for (int i = 0; i < kmer_num; ++i)
++kmerFrq[line.substr(i, kmer_size)];
while (getline(in, line))
// Get the second line (dna sequence) of each nucleotide
if (++cnt_lines % 4 == 2)
// Find the kmers of the remaining dna sequences and count their frequencies
for (int i = 0; i < kmer_num; ++i)
++kmerFrq[line.substr(i, kmer_size)];
cout << "kmer find time: " << GetTimeMs64() - start << " ms. \n";
return 1;
int Frequency::run()
ifstream fastq_file(filename);
// Set the buffer size manually
fastq_file.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(_buffer, BufferSize);
if (fastq_file.is_open())
cout << "Input file " << filename << " opened for extracting k-mers.\n";
if (kmer_size <= KMER_LIMIT)
cerr << "Unable to open file" << endl;
return 0;
// Print the top kmers
if (kmer_size <= KMER_LIMIT)
return 1;
// Encoder function that returns the binary representation of
// the k-mers in unsigned integer format
inline uint64_t Frequency::encoder(string kmer)
uint64_t code = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kmer.size(); ++i)
code *= 4;
case 'A':
code += SEQ_A;
case 'C':
code += SEQ_C;
case 'G':
code += SEQ_G;
case 'T':
code += SEQ_T;
return code;
// Decoder function that returns the string represenations of
// the binary encoded k-mers
inline string Frequency::decoder(uint64_t code)
string seq;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kmer_size; ++i)
switch(code & SHIFT_MASK)
case 0:
seq = "A" + seq;
case 1:
seq = "C" + seq;
case 2:
seq = "G" + seq;
case 3:
seq = "T" + seq;
code >>= 2;
return seq;
DESCRIPTION: Class to calculate the top n frequencies of k-mers of
size k from a given FASTQ file.
// Output of the program (top frequent kmers) is written to a file
#define OUTPUT_TO_FILE 1
#include // file stream
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