- ahmad alhayek


1. Write a C++ program to implement list ADT to perform the following operations a) Insert an element (node) into a list. b)

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    1. Lets implement list ADT with all operations specified in question below is solution with detailed explaination using c++ comments.

    // header for input output
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class ListADT
    // since node should not be modified outside
            struct node
                    // two feilds, current key and next node pointer
                    int key;
                    node *next;
            // head of list
            node *head;
            // constructor, initially set head to null.
                    head = NULL;
            // insert taking key as parameter
            void insertElement(int key)
                    // create new node
                    node *n = new node;
                    // add new node to current key parameter
                    n->key = key;
                    // append to front, with next null
                    n-> next = head;
                    head = n;
            // delete element from list
            int deleteElement()
                    // temp node
                    node *temp;
                    // no elements
                    if (head == NULL) {
                            cout << "empty list" << endl;
                            return 0;
                            // remove first element
                            temp = head;
                    // and set next element to head
                    head = head->next;
                    return (1);
            // search for key in node
            int searchItem(int key)
                    node *temp;
                    int pos = 0;
                    temp = head;
                    // iterate through list
                    while (temp != NULL) {
                            // return key index if key found on node
                            if (temp->key == key)
                                    return (pos);
                            temp = temp->next;
                    // no key found
                    return (-1);
            int countItems()
                    // init count
                    int Count = 0;
                    if (head == NULL)
                            return 0;
                    node *temp;
                    temp = head;
                    // iterate through list
                    while (temp != NULL)
                            // increment count
                            temp = temp->next;
                    return (Count);
            // destructor, after instance ends delete all nodes list
                    while (head != NULL)
    // driver code to test implemented listADT
    int main()
            ListADT l1;
            // insert key
            cout << "count number of nodes before delete: " << l1.countItems() << endl;
            // delete element
            // count elements
            cout << "count number of nodes after delete: " << l1.countItems() << endl;
            // search for 20, this will be first node
            cout << "search for key element (20) :" << l1.searchItem(20) << endl;
            return 0;


    -/Desktop/chegg/cpp/listadt.cpp - Sublime Text (UNREGISTERED) File Edit Selection Find View Goto Tools Project Preferences HeAs per chegg guidelines for multiple questions, I am allowed to solve only first question, unless specified in note.

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ahmad alhayek تصميم ahmad alhayek جميع الحقوق محفوظة 2016

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