- ahmad alhayek

First Problem: Quick sorting with Pthread 1. Using Pthread Library under c/c++ write a program to implement a quicksort for N

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  • Karan Bagoria's Avatar

    Here we are implementing the quicksort algorithm using the cucurrency in C with Pthreads.
    The quicksort algorithm sorts the list by dividing the complete list into two sublists
    Afterwards in one sublist are smaller numbers are placed and in other half of the sublist the
    larger numbers are placed.
    So here is the code for Quicksort Using Pthread which will help you in the first part of the question.
    (All the information regarding the code has been provided along with the code)

    #include <pthread.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <sys/time.h>

    double ReadTimerFunction() {
    static bool initialized = false;
    static struct timeval start;
    struct timeval end;
    if( !initialized )
    gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
    initialized = true;
    gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
    return (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + 1.0e-6 * (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
    double StartingTime, EndTime; //Crreating variables which will store the start and the end time

    typedef struct QuickSortStart //We are defining a structure
    int *array;
    int Lower;
    int Higher;
    int DepthThreadCreate;
    } quickSort_parameters;

    void swapping(int* a, int* b) //This is the function for swapping the values it will be used further many times
       int t = *a;
       *a = *b;
       *b = t;
    int partition (int *array, int Lower, int Higher, int pivot)
       int ValueOfPivot = array[pivot];
    swapping(&array[pivot],&array[Higher]); // pivot
       int s = Lower; // It is the Index of smaller element
       for (int i = Lower; i <Higher; i++)
       {   // If current element is smaller than or equal to pivot then we will apply the condition given beLower
           if (array[i] <= ValueOfPivot)
               swapping(&array[i], &array[s]);
    s++; // Here wee are incrementing index of smaller element
       swapping(&array[s], &array[Higher]);
       return s;
    void quickSort(int *array, int Lower, int Higher)
       if (Lower < Higher)
    int PositionOfPivotition = Lower+ (Higher-Lower)/2;
    PositionOfPivotition= partition(array, Lower, Higher, PositionOfPivotition);
           quickSort(array, Lower, PositionOfPivotition - 1);
           quickSort(array, PositionOfPivotition + 1, Higher);
    void ConcurrentQuickS(int *array, int Lower, int Higher, int DepthThreadCreate);
    void* WorkerQuickS(void * Initial_Value){
    quickSort_parameters* parameters = Initial_Value;
    ConcurrentQuickS(parameters->array, parameters->Lower, parameters->Higher,parameters->DepthThreadCreate);
    return NULL;
    void ConcurrentQuickS(int *array, int Lower, int Higher, int DepthThreadCreate){
    if (Lower < Higher){

    int PositionOfPivot = Lower + (Higher - Lower)/2;
    PositionOfPivot = partition(array, Lower, Higher, PositionOfPivot);
    pthread_t thread;

    if (DepthThreadCreate > 0){
    quickSort_parameters ThreadParameter = {array, Lower, PositionOfPivot-1, DepthThreadCreate};
    int result;
    //Here we will now creat the thread using CreatePthread
    result = CreatePthread(&thread, NULL, WorkerQuickS, &ThreadParameter);
    //Now we are recursively calling for 2nd time in the right part
    ConcurrentQuickS(array, PositionOfPivot+1, Higher, DepthThreadCreate);
    pthreadJoining(thread, NULL);
    } else{
    quickSort(array, Lower, PositionOfPivot-1);
    quickSort(array, PositionOfPivot+1, Higher);
    //Now we will make a main function to implement all the functions defined earlier
    int main(int arg1, char **arg2){
    int DepthThreadCreate = 0;
    if (arg1 > 1){
    DepthThreadCreate = strtol(arg2[1], NULL, 10);
    int size = 8;
    if (arg1 > 2){
    size = strtol(arg2[2], NULL, 10);
    int *ElementsInarrayay = malloc(size* sizeof(long));
    for (int i=0 ; i<size ; i++){
    ElementsInarrayay[i] = rand()%999;
    printf("Unsorted Elements\n");
    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(ElementsInarrayay)-1; i++){
    printf(" %d ", ElementsInarrayay[i]);
    StartingTime = ReadTimerFunction();
    ConcurrentQuickS(ElementsInarrayay, 0, size-1, DepthThreadCreate);
    EndTime = ReadTimerFunction();
    printf("Elements are Sorted\n");
    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(ElementsInarrayay)-1; i++){
    printf("%d ", ElementsInarrayay[i]);
    printf("Execution time: %lf secs\n", EndTime - StartingTime);
    return 0;



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ahmad alhayek تصميم ahmad alhayek جميع الحقوق محفوظة 2016

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