- ahmad alhayek



A rectangular voltage pulse vi = [u(t) - u(t - 1)] V is applied to the circuit in Fig. P13.59. Use the convolution integral to find vo.

Step-by-step solution

  1. Step 1 of 8

    Refer to Figure P13.59 in the textbook for the circuit diagram.

    The s-domain representation of the circuit is shown in Figure 1.

    Picture 8

  2. Step 2 of 8

    Calculate the output voltage using voltage division rule.

    The transfer function is,

    Apply inverse Laplace transform on both sides.

    Replace  with .

    Here, the impulse response is a decaying exponential. So, plot the impulse function.

    Picture 7

  3. Step 3 of 8

    Consider the input voltage, . Replace  with .

    The mathematical representation is,

    Plot the input signal.

    Picture 6

  4. Step 4 of 8

    The folded excitation function  is shown in Figure 3.

    Picture 5

    The convolution integral is,

    Plot the signal, .

    Picture 4

  5. Step 5 of 8

    Apply the convolution to both Figure 4 and Figure 1.

    Picture 3

  6. Step 6 of 8

    From Figure 5, the output voltage in the interval of  is,

  7. Step 7 of 8

    Now apply the convolution to both Figure 4 (when) and Figure 1.

    Picture 2

  8. Step 8 of 8

    From Figure 5, the output voltage in the interval of  is,

    The output waveform is shown in Figure 7.

    Picture 1

    Hence, the output has been obtained.

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ahmad alhayek تصميم ahmad alhayek جميع الحقوق محفوظة 2016

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